Tuesday 2 May 2017


Friday's possible essay questions:

1. Readers are often angered by the ending of 1984. Was the novel's ending appropriate? How does it contribute to the overall message of the novel?
2. Discuss the significance and nature of Winston's dreams. Deconstruct the dream wherein O'Brien claims that they "shall meet in a place where there is no darkness", and the dream in which Winston's mother and sister disappear. What are the underpinnings of these dreams? What deeper meanings do they hold? Why do you think the author devotes as much time as he does to Winston's dreams?
3. Write an essay in which you explain whether or not Winston is a hero.  Explain your answer with a thorough definition of what a hero is and specific examples that demonstrate how Winston does or does not match the definition.
4. Like Frankenstein, 1984 is a cautionary tale.  Write an essay in which you thoroughly explain what Orwell is cautioning us against.
5. The novel, indirectly and perhaps without the author even intending it, makes some powerful statements about the roles (or potential roles) of women in society.  Write an essay in which you explore the role of women in the novel and what the significance of your observations might be.

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