Monday 3 October 2016

Beowulf Essays

Beowulf Essays will be due on 10/21.  Please work on one at a time.

1st Essay will be due on Friday.  2nd on next Tuesday.  3rd.  Friday 10/14.  4th Tuesday 4/18.  5th 10/21. 

Unit Test will be next MONDAY.

Here is the rubric you will be graded on:
                                      (A)                           (B)                          (C)

Hook, Thesis Statement, Order of development are fresh and original, and connected to a theme.  Thesis is narrow and manageable.  Order is precise and helps develop one clear idea.  Hook and thesis are connected. 
Hook, Thesis Statement and Order are present in the first paragraph. 
There is a thesis statement but either it is not clear, or the order of development and/or hook is missing.
No thesis statement
Examples and Analysis
The examples from the source (text) not only back up the thesis but are introduced, explained and analyzed. The analysis shows depth of thought and insight into the text.
The examples used back up the main ideas of the essay.  The analysis offers some insight into the theme, but the depth is not necessary original. 
The examples used don’t necessarily back up the thesis.  They are summative in nature and not exact.  The analysis doesn’t offer much if any depth into the text or is merely plot summary.
No Analysis and/or Examples
Voice/Word Choice
Point of view is evident.  Clear sense of audience.  Ideas are original.  Work is engaging.  Precise, fresh and original words.
Some sense of audience.  Conveys ideas to reader.  Ideas are not necessary original.  Uses favorite words correctly.  Some experiment with new words or SAT words. 
Paper lacks energy.  Essay lacks focus and/or doesn’t persuade.  Language relies on repetition of the same words or there is an overuse of “to be” verbs. 
Voice is not apparent, or doesn’t necessary seem that of the author. 
No mistakes
One to five small mistakes that do not affect the reading of the essay
Five to ten mistakes
Numerous mistakes that impair reading

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