Thursday 27 April 2017



1. Why are the political prisoners more terrified than the common criminals?

2. Why was Ampleforth in prison?

3. What role does Winston think O’Brien has been playing?

4. According to O’Brien, why is Winston being tortured?

5. According to O’Brien, why does the Party want power?

6. Where does O’Brien think reality exists?

7. What does Winston see when he looks in the mirror?

8. At the end of Chapter III, what has Winston NOT done that O’Brien wants him to do?

9. What is in Room 101?

10. When and in what way does Winston betray Julia? Why is it significant?
11. Why does O’Brien say prisoners are brought to the Ministry of Love?

12. Was the Party successful in “getting inside” Winston?

13. How do Winston and Julia now feel about one another?

14. How does Winston ultimately feel about Big Brother?

15. What “victory over himself” has Winston won?  Do you think it’s a real victory?

16. What do you think the major theme of 1984 is?  Why?

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Chapters 5 and 6

1)  Who has vanished?
2)  Describe the preparations for Hate Week?  In what ways does the Inner Party excel in building spirit?
3) Julia and Winston have some differences?  Explain them.
4) What finally convinces Winston that O'Brien is a member of the Brotherhood?

5) Begin to outline a comparison between 1984 and another dystopia novel that you have read by either themes, characters, slogans or symbols.

Monday 17 April 2017

1984 Reading Schedule

4/17 - Review Study Questions and pages 150-160
4/18 and 4/19 School Testing, work on catching up on study questions

4/20 and 4/21 160-182
4/24  and 4/25 Part 2 Chapters 9 & 10

4/26 QUIZ on Parts 1 & 2

4/27 pages 231-246
4/28 pages 246-269

5/1 pages 269 - 284
5/2 pages 284 - 297
5/3 Finish BOOK
5/4 QUIZ on Part 3
5/5 Essay Question

5/8 - 5/11 BOOK PROJECT
5/12 Review
5/15 Review
5/16 FINAL

Friday 14 April 2017

1984 Book 2

Book Two, Chapter 3

How and where do Julia and Winston meet?
What is Julia’s job?
What is her background?
What is her attitude toward the Party?
Describe the quote “ With Julia, everything came back to her own sexuality. As soon as this was touched upon in any way she was capable of great acuteness”. What does Winston think about Julia?
Why does the Party think the sexual impulse as well as the familial love dangerous?

Book Two, Chapter 4

How does Winston react to the singing Prole woman?
What pleasures of the senses are mentioned in this chapter? What is Orwell’s point in mentioning them?
What is Winston’s reaction to rats? Julia’s reaction?
Winston is interested in the church bells that once played in the city even though he is not religious. What do church bells mean to him?
Winston sees the coral paperweight as a symbol of what?

Thursday 13 April 2017


Today we need to read chapters 1 and 2 of 1984.  Here are the study questions.  I will post your final reading schedule tomorrow.  


Book Two, Chapter 1

How does Winston react to the note from Julia before he reads it?
How does Winston react to the note after he reads it?
Where do they manage to talk for the first time?
Where do they plan to meet?
What do Winston and Julia do before they part?

Book Two, Chapter 2

Why is Winston ill at ease once he is alone with Julia?
What does Julia bring with her that she has obtained on the black market?
What are Julia’s ideas about the Party?
What familiar sign does Winston find?
What is the significance of the thrush music?
What does Winston mean when he says that he loves Julia all the more because she has had scores of sexual encounters?